Inflammation History

By Martin Taylor:

I find Gary Sharpe's recent posts to be compelling and it caused me to reflect upon my own inflammation history:

2010 - I developed sudden severe discomfort in my urinary tract, basically the constant sensation of needing to pee which was eventually diagnosed as chronic inflammation of the prostate gland, known as prostatitis.

2012 - I started to develop sudden severe abdominal pain after eating certain foods, which has since been identified as IBS.

2014 - my right index finger started twitching and was eventually diagnosed with Parkinson's in December that year.

To me it now seems apparent this is a pattern of progressive inflammation and fits exactly the pattern described by Gary.

I honestly think that this is game changing thinking for at least my sub type of PD.

As a footnote since starting Sinemet in January I've noticed only minimal benefit.

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Penny Mitchell

Penny Mitchell Gary! I love this post. Your writing is getting better and better too. This post is very compelling for me. I have been in a very dead and hopeless place lately, and feeling like there was no way out. But this new phase of Out Thinking Parkinson's that you are embarking on here is striking a chord deep inside me. Thank you for your life affirming leadership

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Bruce Coyle

Thanks for your insight Gary. My lovely wife Lynn has Parkinson's but like every other experience we have shared over the last 39 years-We are in this thing together! You sharing your personal experience with me helps me better understand what's going on with Lynn. And sometimes helps us stay centered and somewhat calm when those tough days occur. Thank you my friend.

Bruce Coyle

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Marc M Monroe

Marc M Monroe The message of hope through action you convey is absolutely the gold standard of living with Parkinson's. This will also reiterate the core concern of what so many have expressed. Simply move it or lose it. More importantly it is not too late to start.
I believe this concept repeats itself in every successful way each of us has described in our lives. It hurts to begin. It's definitely difficult to follow through.
The impact is as individual as the cocktail of present maladies associated with our branding of this Asinine Ailment. You are a Unique individual Gary Sharpe. You have been the voice of your return from the abyss.
My dear friend David Spry made a similar trek. Others have followed suit. The best resource of information comes from the interactive experience of those who are aware that medical treatment is not the end game.
With this being said. I propose a coalition of advanced support groups with intent on communication between those of us directly with the medical community. I'm not sure where to start. Even if this exists I don't believe it is inclusive of the informed content found within these groups.
What say you?

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Robert Goeckel

Good afternoon Dr. Sharpe, I just want to introduce myself. I live in Flint Michigan in the colonies. I'm 68 was diagnosed with PD in February of this year after a 6 month testig period. I am a chiropractor still in practice. I have learned a lot from your video's and book. Hope to stay in touch from time to time. Merry Christmas.

Robert Goeckel

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Ian Weinberg

Ian Weinberg: Developer and facilitator of neuro-coaching program. Neurosurgeon in practice • NeuroSurge - neuromodulation

 Deb  Helfrich In so many ways the story of you and Gary is a great inspiration for me personally. A convergence of all the elements which define the best of our humanity and our intrinsic potential to transcend mediocrity and inherit that sublime place of unconditional sensitivity, clarity and awe. A blessed connection!

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Vicky Gardiner

Not quite Bowen related posts are going to be the theme of my posts over the next few days, they will be Holistic/Functional medicine related.
As many of you will know, my journey into this arena was sparked with keen interest to find alternative ways in which to help my Dad, who has Parkinson's disease, since 'traditional' methods offered (to put it bluntly) - no hope.
What I have discovered along the way has been illuminating to say the least and it has become my passion.
I do not believe that one way is better than another. What I do believe is that we must work towards an integrated system which offers the very best of all forms of therapy and medicine for all. Because they are all valid, and each of us deserve it.
Today's post is from Dr Gary Sharpe whom I had the pleasure of meeting earlier this year. Having lived with Parkinson's disease for quite a number of years, and finding (like my dad) that traditional medicine was not serving his highest good, he embarked upon a journey, thinking outside the box, to find ways in which to help him get the better of this disease. His journey so far has been a true inspiration and I hope it will inspire others to do the same.

Bowen Therapy by Vicky Gardiner

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Jackie Potter

Gary, I am so grateful to you for this particular article. I cannot tell you how enlightening and encouraged I am by your explanation about the effects of stress on PwP. I am in my mid 50's and after 32 years working in various HR and Ops roles at a fairly senior level, I have had my share of stress and always coped with strategies that I even used to train others on. Nearly 6 years living with Parkinsons I react like a sponge to all the things you so clearly listed and somehow it made me feel "normal"! What I mean is that it is just part of the changes or as many refer to 'the journey'. Thank you so much for providing as article that I feel will help me, my husband, family and friends to understand a little more about the changes I am making to de stress my life as much as possible! Not easy with lively twin girls aged 11. I find when they go to school, my husband work, I love the solitude and peaceful time on my own. Trying hard not to become reclusive but it is when I have less and sometimes no symptoms. Sorry for the length of my reply but I just wanted you to know how much your article has impacted on me in a positive and very supportive way. Best wishes.

Jackie Potter

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Margaret Nuttall

For me, it was Gary Sharpe's posts on Facebook that first sparked my searching for non-medical answers to help me slow the progression of my Parkinson's symptoms. Looks like the holistic wellness coach and the change of food regime has started me on that path. Thanks Out-Thinking Parkinson's and Dr Gary Sharpe for the continuing information and inspiration.

Margaret Nuttall

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Tom Newberry

I applaud your efforts to share inspiration and perspective with those who can feel hopeless.

Tom Newberry

Jo-Anna Silver-Sparta

Dear Gary, you have made amazing progress since we skyped! So happy to see & hear all of it. Could not agree more with so much of what i know keeps us healthy - moving, music, unaltered food & very positive vibes! Kudos & keep it up!

Concierge Jo-Anna Silver-Sparta

Lisa Harris-Murphey

Great info Gary Sharpe!! After my dx I did not immediately start meds as advised by my neuro but I did start seriously researching diet and nutrition thinking that was a more logical first step ( not ruling out meds some day ) and 3 yrs later still no meds and doing remarkably well! Thinking meds alone will solve problems is a big mistake but the right diet and exercise program alongside them can make a world of difference as you have proven. I notice huge differences when I make bad choices. Thank you for your tireless efforts, I love all your posts.

Lisa Harris- Murphey

Kelly Hobbs

I met with a Vascular surgeon yesterday for the first time after reading one of your articles Gary. He was happy to listen to me and agreed that PD and TOS (Thoracic Outlet Syndrome) could definitely exacerbated physical symptoms of one another, and we're moving forward to see if the option to surgically treat my TOS would be worth the risk to alleviate some of the right side issues I have with my PD. Like I told him, my doctors agree I have little or no cognitive symptoms of PD, so if correcting my TOS can help eliminate physical symptoms, that will be a huge blessing which I never would've considered had I not started following your posts! I thank you sincerely!

Kelly Hobbs


Anna McKay

Parkinson's & sleep

Dear Gary & Deb, I love your website. So clear, interesting and sensible, with a wonderful mix of practicality and intelligence. So I’d like to tell you more about our technology, how our first product, the Zeez Sleep Pebble, is helping people with poor sleep, a trial we have with Parkinson's related sleep disorder, and more. Essentially, we are using extremely low power electrical fields to encourage the brain to adopt good patterns. We are working with sleep because we can – helping ordinary people  to sleep better isn't regarded as a medical treatment in Europe or by FDA.  If it turns out that we can help people with Parkinson’s related sleep issues, our device, used for that purpose, will be regarded as a medical device. And if that happens, we may eventually, be able to have the device or a modified version accepted for prescriptions in the UK. 
We may be able to do more, in time. Re power, our device is 3 microteslas – your shaver / hairdryer, upto 2,000. Our results depend on the precision of the signals we sue and their ability to create a resonant frequency. I'd love to talk."

Anna's Website is and I have arranged a discount for our readers. Please use coupon code "outthinkingparkinsons" if you would like to try this product: its available on sale or return.


Joel Anderson

A shout out to @Deb Helfrich and @Gary Sharpe. Two individuals who have dared to be brave, dared to do the difficult, dared to make a difference and have epitomized the essence of being bigger than they are. And by doing so, they underscore the good in humanity and serve as beacons of hope and inspiration to us all. Thank you for all that your dare to do. Keep making a difference.

Joel Anderson

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Clement Charles

Gary I would like to send you a personal message but I can say this at least - exceptionally well done effort - the whole thing - your effort. Diagnosed in 2012 at 56. Doing well. Love your page.

Clement Charles

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Robert Bacal

Kudos to Gary Sharpe and Deb Helfrich who stand for something, and spend their time trying to help others, as opposed to those who spend their time bitching, complaining about LinkedIn, or their favorite whipping boys. Let's congratulate those that help others accomplish things, and let the negative complainers know they of a waste of bits and bytes?

Robert Bacal

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