Accessible Knowledge

By S.A.

Thank you both for all the work you have done. Lilian Sjøberg for your knowledge and Gary for helping to make it accessible. My daughter who suffers from anxiety and panic attacks and myself with PD found it so enlightening. I can also see how when my father 93, who also has PD, gets stressed his cognition deteriorates dramatically

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Parallels with Trauma

By Dennis S.

I am 45 years old and I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2015, at an age of 39. I always thought about chronical stress as a possible reason for Parkinson’s and recently I discovered the Polyvagal Theory. I guess similar to you, the parallels between Trauma and Parkinson’s seemed to be quite obvious to me. I had the experience that Somatic Experiencing can be helpful. Later someone recommended your website to me and I feel excited that you see it like I do. Thank you for that. it is always good to know that someone is sharing your point of view. I will read through your articles.

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