Now for the very good news. Since we now understand that PD is principally a problem with the Nervous System, it is entirely possible that we can pro-actively prevent further degeneration, and even regain what we've already lost, because Vagal Tone can always be improved, neurons regenerated, neural pathways re-written, and senses retrained
Read MoreConstipation and Parkinson's Disease
I will cover below how I managed to resolve this for myself, and then we will look at the potential mechanisms of why constipation and PD symptoms are linked, I will first explain my self-observations which lead me to this conclusion.
Read MoreTremors and Parkinson's Disease
Fortunately, from the perspective that tremors are a manifestation of a stuck stress response, this type of symptom can be progressively alleviated through stress reduction techniques and therapy, by learning how to calm the nervous system, and by spending more time in totally relaxed states. Indeed, this is demonstrated in videos of people’s tremors disappearing when they are put into a trance state by a hypnotherapist, as in the video below, or by common anecdotal reports that when meditating, the tremors are not present.
Read MoreFeeling Heavy and Parkinson's Disease
A friend suggested I write more about what Parkinson's Disease is like "on the inside". At the same time, I was researching the different senses of the human body, and the problems which can occur with these in PD. Later, I learned about fascia (connective tissue) and its potentially vital role in PD. In this article, I attempt to tie these three threads together.
Read MoreNeural Exercises and Parkinson's Disease
This article explores how I've found that persistent and targeted "neural exercises" can progressively reduce various symptoms/problems of Parkinson's Disease, through neuroplastic processes. In particular, here I will demonstrate specific neural exercises, and how I have significantly improved my own quality of life through pursuing these persistently over time, via entries from my video diary which are interspersed through the article.
Read MoreProgressive Reduction in Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease
The purpose of this article is to review the outcomes from employing the pragmatic solutions, covered on this website, for working towards progressive symptom reduction of Parkinson's Disease. In particular, I discuss the outcomes of the persistent practical applications on myself, and demonstrate the improvement through the records of my Video Diary.
Read MoreSelf-Doubt, Guilt, Inner Voices and Parkinson's Disease
While most people will be familiar with the external, physically manifest symptoms of PD, very few have a good grasp of these internal, hidden states, and so don't realize that people with Parkinson's (PwP) are also frozen, rigid and trembling on the inside too. Having engaged with very many PwP around the world, I've learned that there are common personality types, and we tend to have shared, overarching themes of internal emotional states. In particular, I've found that many of us can be described as high achievers, but are wracked with self-doubt and guilt on the inside. This finding appears to especially true in the cohort of PwP who eventually end up with a rigidity dominant form of Early Onset Parkinson's Disease.
Read MoreCould Candida be Contributing to my Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease?
One of the more persistent problems I encounter regularly (daily) are episodes of severe brain fog, during which "Gary has left the building", my breathing becomes very shallow and I can only lie down due to my balance going completely. These episodes typically occur in the early evenings and/or after my main meal, when my stomach is full.
Read MoreThe Overlaps Between Stress and Parkinson's Disease, Part 2
Although the seven stage framework has been developed to describe acutely applied short duration stress, without any reference to PD, the very same framework also describes well the declining state of a PwPs body over time - if the disease is allowed to progress. Therefore, we believe that not only are PwPs permanently stuck in such stress response states, the degree of the stress that we are stuck in also moves through the stages as our situation is allowed to degenerated.
Read MoreHelicobacter Pylori Bacteria in the Gut and Parkinson's Disease
As many forms of PD begin in the gut, and only later migrate to brain, the initiating and causal gut problems will still remain too after the brain damage has occured. We will certainly need to address these digestive tract issues, therefore, if we are ever to fully heal. In my view, even if we could correct the resulting brain problems tomorrow, if we do not also attend to the original causes which reside in gut then we will not be "fixed" for very long.
Read MoreClothing and The Freeze Phenomena in Parkinson's Disease
For People with Parkinson's, there is something very strange about the feedback between our brains/bodies and our immediate environment. The choice of clothes, in particular, can affect symptoms. In this article, I cover why consideration to clothing is an important part of living well with Parkinson's.
Read MoreMy Experience with a Dopamine Agonist Medicine for Parkinson's Disease
The very first drug I was put on after my diagnosis was ropinerole [dopamine agonist]. It was only marginally effective. So my original neurologist kept bumping up the dosage until it made me vomit and have diarrhoea, cold sweats and such dizziness that the only thing I could do was lie down. The neurologist's solution was to put me on, in addition, anti-nausea medications permanently. Later, I self-discovered this class of anti-nausea drugs are not supposed to be used long term.
Read MoreThe Overlaps Between Stress and Parkinson's Disease, Part 1
I have been reading Dr Jim White's "Stress Control" afresh, but now from the perspective of a Person with Parkinson's (PwP). This is a course written about stress itself, without any reference to or context in Parkinson's. Yet, anyone affected Parkinson's who reads it will be very familiar with what they find. I will be writing extensively on this subject, but to set the scene, first I would just like for us to consider a list Dr White provides which covers how stress can affect the body. People affected with Parkinson's the world over will recognize very many of these as the acute symptoms of their condition - but remember here Dr White is writing purely about Stress.
Read MoreImpacts of Diagnosis on Parkinson's Disease
I hope that my experience might be a catalyst for change, because, in speaking with a significant network of people with PD around the world, there are many with diagnosis and aftercare treatment experiences even poorer than my own. I feel, therefore, we do need an overhaul of how the healthcare diagnoses and treat people with Parkinson's. Simply stated, the current experience of too many PwP (People with Parkinson's) is that they are prescribed drugs as a singular treatment pathway and given a narrative of hopelessness at diagnosis.
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Movement Recovery with Yo-Yo Stress Balls
Deb had the unique insight that a kind of stress ball (a squeezy, bouncy ball which fit the human hand well) which comes with an attached elastic string and a velcro finger or wrist strap would be hugely beneficial. She based this on our discoveries of how some hand-eye co-ordination movements are relatively easy for people with Parkinsonsim's. She was right!
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