Anna McKay

Parkinson's & sleep

Dear Gary & Deb, I love your website. So clear, interesting and sensible, with a wonderful mix of practicality and intelligence. So I’d like to tell you more about our technology, how our first product, the Zeez Sleep Pebble, is helping people with poor sleep, a trial we have with Parkinson's related sleep disorder, and more. Essentially, we are using extremely low power electrical fields to encourage the brain to adopt good patterns. We are working with sleep because we can – helping ordinary people  to sleep better isn't regarded as a medical treatment in Europe or by FDA.  If it turns out that we can help people with Parkinson’s related sleep issues, our device, used for that purpose, will be regarded as a medical device. And if that happens, we may eventually, be able to have the device or a modified version accepted for prescriptions in the UK. 
We may be able to do more, in time. Re power, our device is 3 microteslas – your shaver / hairdryer, upto 2,000. Our results depend on the precision of the signals we sue and their ability to create a resonant frequency. I'd love to talk."

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