Marc M Monroe

Marc M Monroe

"The message of hope through action you convey is absolutely the gold standard of living with Parkinson's. This will also reiterate the core concern of what so many have expressed. Simply move it or lose it. More importantly it is not too late to start.
I believe this concept repeats itself in every successful way each of us has described in our lives. It hurts to begin. It's definitely difficult to follow through.
The impact is as individual as the cocktail of present maladies associated with our branding of this Asinine Ailment. You are a Unique individual Gary Sharpe. You have been the voice of your return from the abyss.
My dear friend David Spry made a similar trek. Others have followed suit. The best resource of information comes from the interactive experience of those who are aware that medical treatment is not the end game.
With this being said. I propose a coalition of advanced support groups with intent on communication between those of us directly with the medical community. I'm not sure where to start. Even if this exists I don't believe it is inclusive of the informed content found within these groups.
What say you?"