Perhaps it would be instructive at this point, therefore to describe more about what its like when I am very symptomatic, to help understanding of why I believe this disease truly corresponds to Death Feigning, and why the converse - increase Aliveness - is the key route to healing. In Death Feigning, not only movement is switched off, but as are all signals through which the keen sense of predators might detect some vestigial signs of life. To me, this describes exactly how it is when I am symptomatic - if I don't implement strategies to combat this state and just allow it to take over - and the more symptomatic I am, the more pronounced these experiences:
Read MoreDevelopmental and Shock Trauma and Parkinson's Disease
As for many people with young onset forms of Parkinson's Disease, my diagnosis was given the label "Idiopathic". This term, Idiopathic, is used to denote any disease or condition which arises spontaneously or for which the cause is unknown. This diagnosis was wholly unsatisfactory to me, as I'm a person who needs to know the "why" of things.
Read MoreNeural Exercises and Parkinson's Disease
This article explores how I've found that persistent and targeted "neural exercises" can progressively reduce various symptoms/problems of Parkinson's Disease, through neuroplastic processes. In particular, here I will demonstrate specific neural exercises, and how I have significantly improved my own quality of life through pursuing these persistently over time, via entries from my video diary which are interspersed through the article.
Read MoreLoneliness, Social Isolation, Estrangement and Parkinson's Disease
"The single biggest predictor of rate of Parkinson's progression is if you answer true to 'are you lonely'?" This finding by Dr Laurie Mischley, who monitors the progress of symptoms of more than 1500 people with Parkinson's Disease is perhaps one the most tragic aspects of the disease in our modern society, in which we people with PD may find ourselves heading toward this outcome by default. Indeed, I have lost count of the number of people with PD who have said something to me along the lines of "my friends and family have abandoned me/don't visit/lost touch". The negative feedback loops between loneliness and disease progression can be one of the most vicious circles of PD. I speak from personal experience also, because at my lowest point, I too had become very isolated, virtually alone in the house and barely going out.
Read MorePulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy for Parkinson's Disease
In this article, we explore a technology which has proven helpful for people with PD, and may work by helping to modulate or quieten these abnormal brainwave patterns.
Read MoreSelf-Doubt, Guilt, Inner Voices and Parkinson's Disease
While most people will be familiar with the external, physically manifest symptoms of PD, very few have a good grasp of these internal, hidden states, and so don't realize that people with Parkinson's (PwP) are also frozen, rigid and trembling on the inside too. Having engaged with very many PwP around the world, I've learned that there are common personality types, and we tend to have shared, overarching themes of internal emotional states. In particular, I've found that many of us can be described as high achievers, but are wracked with self-doubt and guilt on the inside. This finding appears to especially true in the cohort of PwP who eventually end up with a rigidity dominant form of Early Onset Parkinson's Disease.
Read MoreNeurologic Music Therapy for Parkinson's Recovery
I recommend anyone interested in Parkinson's Recovery to take a look at Jim Kennedy's research and follow his journey of self-experimentation into NMT. You will find Jim to be very positive and upbeat - no doubt because he has chosen to fill his life with music. You can follow Jim's work via his Facebook Page.
Read MoreMassageable Magnesium for Relaxing Muscles
For me this intervention has been highly beneficial and really helped me to re-open the pathways to movement we have since developed. I also believe, that having used it daily for over a year now, it has had a cumulative repair effect. However, back at the start, I had been describing to Deb how, when the Parkinson’s stiffness and rigidity of muscles took hold (Bradykinesia), the very worst part was the pain in my shoulders.
Read More"Goodbye Parkinson's, Hello Life!" by Alex Kerten and David Brinn
This book had been highly recommended to us by several of our readers, and many pointed out the similarities to our Out-Thinking Parkinson's philosophy. Then I read the article "Israeli Healer Treat's Parkinson's Through Talk and Dance" in the Times of Israel about the author. As I read through this article, time and again, I had an overwhelming sense of affinity for what Alex Kerten preaches and, indeed, the parallels between our own independently derived strategies were very clear. I was left feeling a sense of great relief at the vindication I felt after having read it. I called Deb, my Co-Founder, in the middle of her night to talk about it - I simply could not contain myself.
Read MoreHow Can I Start to Help my Friend with Parkinson's Disease?
When someone with Parkinson's comes into your life, you have a lot of catching up to do.
The point of this article is to open up your eyes to ways that you can start with what you know and begin to offer some support to someone who has a condition that is very complex and confusing to us laypeople.
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